ProLife Conversations
About a month ago I had the privilege of attending the second annual Celebrate Life Weekend in DC, celebrating the second anniversary of Roe v Wade being overturned, and rallying together to give marching orders and encouragement to continue fighting in this new chapter and season of the prolife movement. One aspect of the weekend was a rally in front of the Lincoln Memorial, and there were a few pro-abortion individuals present as well holding signs. One of these individuals was a man who held a sign that said, “Keep Abortion Legal,” and I got the chance to join a conversation with him and several other pro-lifers. I love being able to engage in conversation with others, especially those who are on the opposite side. One thing I’ve learned over the last several years, when engaging in conversation with someone, whether on the topic of abortion or really anything else, intently listening is super important and asking questions is another great tool to use in conversation. On...