I'm Not Promoting A Person, But God's Will
The 2020 Presidential Election is quickly approaching, and this election is a pivotal point in history, therefore, it’s not only imperative that we vote, but that our voting is informed.
In the past I’ve worked as an assistant supervisor at local polls, and I witnessed how some people who came to vote didn’t even know who or what was on the ballot. In some way, voting haphazardly and without any education is just as bad as not voting at all.
Yes, there are a lot of things going on in the world and in the government, but our vote still matters, and it’s our responsibility. It’s also an avenue for the child of God to be involved in our culture and in politics, specifically. Not voting because you don’t like any of the candidates is basically allowing the wrong people in office.
I would even dare to say that it’s the equivalent of intentionally voting for someone who is diabolically against God and His Word because you think they are a good person. We vote for those who are standing for biblical principles, rather they themselves are Christians or not.
Ideally, it would be great if every single person in the government was a Bible believing Christian but in reality that is not the case. However, God can use anyone, and we want to be focused on God’s will, not caught up in individuals or our personal opinions.
I know for a fact that many people in the church did not and still don’t like President Trump, and I can understand why. But, nevertheless, he is the better choice for president. Why? One reason is simply that he stands for biblical principles and God has used him during the last few years. Even in the midst of President Trump’s fallen humanity, God has moved and is still moving.
As children of God, God’s Word is the standard by which we live, and our decisions should be led by the Lord. This applies to everything, even voting. And when it comes to voting in any election, local or federal, along with doing our homework, we ought to be praying.
Not to say that God is going to tell you exactly who to vote for every time, though He will do that, but as a child of God who knows the truth of God’s Word we know biblical principles. And it’s often very clear, who stands for biblical truth and principles and who does not, therefore, we don’t need to necessarily wait to hear God’s voice telling us.
If you have eyes to see, it can be clearly seen that a vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris would be a vote for socialism, communism, government control, abortion, and suport for LGBTQ, all of which are completely against God and what He has ordained. It’s as simple as that. But even in all of that, we need to be praying for both of them because they still need salvation and God is more than able to reach them.
As for President Trump, I understand that many aren’t particularly fond of him because he is often loose lipped, very opinionated, he can be loud, and even rude, yet there have been many things that he has done during his term that are very much commendable. ( If you want to learn more about what President Trump has accomplished click here, or here.)
Furthermore, he actually stands for life not abortion, he supports the Constitution, capitalism and nationalism, is fighting against human trafficking, and so many other things that are in line with God’s Word.
To be clear, this is not about me pushing, promoting or advocating for a person. We cannot put our trust in any human, or politician, rather they claim to be Christian or not. Our trust is in God alone.As His children, we need to focus on God and His will being done on the earth. More than ever we need to be so captured by God and relentless in our pursuit of Him that our will completely aligns with His, and his perspective and thoughts will spill over into every area of life, such as politics.
God’s Will. That’s what we want. We want to see the right person in every position, from the seat of president all the way down to the local level, for His glory.
Lately I’ve been more passionate than ever about people knowing the Truth. So many are completely ignorant and blindly believing the lies of the enemy about COVID19, BLM, LGBTQ, and so many other things that the media covers. But how shall they know, and how will their eyes be opened without someone communicating truth?
God pours out truth to us as His children not for us to hold it in and boast about knowing it, but for us to share it and educate others. Just like with the gospel message. It’s not just for us as the believer, but the unbeliever needs to hear it as well.
In this election, don’t forget the importance of everything else on the ballot, not just the seat of the president. It’s all important. And pray pray pray for every person running.
God’s word says in 1 Timothy 2:1, 2,
“I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
As the election approaches, remember to do your homework, be prayerful, educate yourself and others, and vote for His glory, and that His will be done.
In Christ’s Love,
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