What The World Needs

Hello Friends! It's been quite awhile since I've done much writing and posted anything, and moving forward it will be sporadic because I'm serving at a Summer Camp for a couple months.

I've been here already for a week, and it's been good so far. Certainly a refreshing time for me spiritually, so grateful for that.

Today, I'm finally posting again. I wrote this recently and I'm excited to share it. Enjoy!


The world is running
Running a muck and scared
Understandably so
For they have no hope
But we, God's people do
So let's share it
The hope we have
The hope we have in Christ
The world needs it
Hope, love, peace
They need Jesus Christ
The gospel
And the truth
About what’s happening
What’s happening in the background
Behind the scenes
The lies and deceit
The shrewdness of the enemy
His boldness
And how he comes to kill
How he comes to steal
And destroy
The truth about everyone's need
Need for a Savior
The truth that there’s still time
Time to turn from sin
And turn unto God
Lord, have mercy
Save lives
Help your Body to work
Work where you’re working
That lives
So many lives, will be saved
Snatched out of darkness
And transformed
For such a time as this


I want to encourage someone to stand fast on God's Word, focus on Him, share truth, and allow God to use you in the midst of everything going on in the world. God's still in control, and He's still setting the captives free. For such a time as this.

In Christ's Love,


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