Guest Post - A Poem Entitled, "Disappointment"

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Hello there everyone. Today I have a guest post to share.

One of my writer friends, Essie, wrote an awesome poem that has to be shared, entitled, "Disappointment."

Essie-Marie Weigt is a teenager who loves the Lord and seeks to be a faithful ambassador for Him. One half of her is a goofy weirdo who thinks she’s funny, and the other half is a melancholy thoughtful artist who enjoys writing things that make people cry. She’s currently “homeless” on the internet, so unfortunately you can’t stalk her.

I hope Essie's words speak to someone:


"When someone very close to me began to doubt God’s goodness, after being my role model for years, I was devastated. I thought they were better than this. I thought they were a new creation in Christ who didn’t have any baggage to haunt them. I was wrong, and this poem is about that.

Now, this isn’t a statement of how someone failed me, it’s a statement that they were human and I was wrong to idolize them. When someone doesn’t meet your expectations, don’t do what I did.

Romans 12:15 says to “weep with those who weep,” so we shouldn’t abandon or neglect them. Instead, we should try to understand and be compassionate. Meet them where they are.

That being said, enjoy this poem!

Sometimes things don’t work out 
And strong belief is replaced with doubt 

You scream, “I thought you would provide.” 
When God lets you down and you don’t know why. 

You spout lies as I stand appalled
Results of issues that were never resolved 

God’s not the father that abandoned you 
He’s not the stern gaze that never approved 

Hardships are not a sign that He hates you
When storms come he’s not far removed. 

He is the shelter in every storm 
He is the fire that keeps you warm 

Trust in Him and you’ll be amazed 
At how your perspective will change. "


Isn't it such an awesome thing to be able to trust God, especially through the hard trials in life?

God Bless You This Week, And May You Trust Him Even More.

*image found on google*


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