Shining A Light On Slavery Day

Modern day slavery is a real thing in our world, and is very prevalent in other countries, as well as right here in America. I’ve even heard it said that, “more people are trapped in slavery today than ever before in history.” I’m not sure if that is completely true or not, but that statement does say a lot.

Slavery as we know it, historically speaking, isn’t prevailing anymore, but it is still a real thing in many forms, such as human (or sex) trafficking.

Human trafficking is happening in our neighborhoods, and our communities. It affects those who grew up in church, go to a good school or university, and that have a loving support system around them. I just recently attended a conference where I heard the real life story of a survivor. She grew up in a loving, godly home but became influenced by people around her and got to a place of vulnerability. I would highly recommend listening to their story, here.

While she and her mother were sharing their story and some facts about human trafficking, it was stated that, “four in five females are victims,” and one in five men are victims.” No one is exempt. Male, female; young, old. Therefore, it’s important to be aware, know the signs, and become educated.

The first time it really hit home for me - the truth that this was happening - was when I watched a film entitled, “Not Today.” Essentially, the movie shows how a young man traveled to India with some friends and was exposed to the reality of trafficking.

In watching this film, the initial picture for me was that trafficking was taking place in forgein countries, but at some point I realized how real it is right here in America. It’s everywhere, so not only should we be aware, we should also be vigilant, sober and prayerful. When we become educated, we may be able to help prevent a friend, or a friend’s friend, or even a stranger from getting to that point of vulnerability where a perpetrator is grooming them. Prevention is critical.

#ENDITMOVEMENT is a movement of people who want to stand and fight against modern day slavery everywhere, in any form, and every year there is a specific day to shine a light and make people aware by posting a picture of yourself with a RED X on yur hand, using the hashtag #ENDITMOVEMENT.

The issue of human trafficking is one that gets me fired up, and I think there are so many that are unaware of the terible reality of it in the world around us. I think for many, it’s a distant thing that couldn’t possibly ever touch us, but I think once we learn, we should be sharing it with others so that more can become aware. Being aware also will help us know how to pray and invite God into the affairs of men, to rescue and deliver all parties involved.

To learn more about the #ENDITMOVEMENT, check out their website here.
Also, go check out my sister’s human trafficking awareness instagram page, here.

I implore you to become aware, educated, and remain prayerful, observant, and vigilant.

In Christ's Love,


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