My One Year Blogging Anniversary

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A couple weeks ago, on Saturday, September 29, 2018, marked a year since the first blog post I published last year. I’ve been blogging for a year now. Wow. It feels like the past year has gone by fast, but it’s been exciting for me to blog every Tuesday. I’ve missed some weeks, and I took off the month of January, but I’m pleased with my consistency over the past year.

I started a blog to help me stay consistent as I grow as a writer, to share my writing with others (however scary that is), and to start the process of building a platform for my writing.

Some Of My Favorite Posts 

Just recently I was looking over some of the blog posts I’ve published, and for many of them I’m very proud, and with others I thought to myself, “this one needed a little more editing,” but I have certainly grown and am continually growing.

Some of my favorite posts over the past year include:

“Praising and Worshipping God,”
”Giving Our Dreams To God,” 
“I Don’t Worry. I Worship.” 
 “I Wanna Be Honest & Humble.” 
 “5 Reasons Our God Is Amazing.” 
 “An Open Letter To Brothers In Christ.”
 “We Can Be Free In Christ.” 
 “God Is Our Father.” 
 “God Is Moving.” 
 “I Hate Religion.” 
 “People Are Truly Hurting.” 
 “Fireworks, What Does It Really Mean?” 
 “Just My Honest Thoughts.” 
 “Rest Really Is Important.” 
 “Am I Even Worthy?”

I found that writing comes more natural, and the words just flow, when I write something that comes from the heart, or something that's personal and heartfelt.

I’ve gotten really good and encouraging feedback on my writing over the past few years, and I’m so grateful for it.

One of my writer friends, who’s from Canada, read my post back in July entitled, “Fireworks, What Does It Really Mean?” and she told me that it made her want to learn more about American History. That’s a huge compliment I’ll always remember and be encouraged by.

Just about every single blog post that I publish is born out of something that I was learning at the time, or something that I had been thinking about and was on my heart.

In my opinion, some of the best things I’ve written are those that were born out of something personal, or something that had been on my mind and needed to be written and formed into words.

How Am I Growing As I Writer? 

At the beginning of last year, authors Brett Harris and Jaquelle Crowe, started The Young Writer’s Workshop to support and walk alongside young writers from the ages of ten to thirty.

Brett Harris and his twin brother, Alex Harris, are the authors of the book, “Do Hard Things,” and the founders of the Rebelution, which is a movement spearheaded from their book, encouraging and motivating teenagers to rise above the culture’s expectations for them and do hard things.

Jaquelle Crowe is the author of,”This Changes Everything: How The Gospel Transforms The Teenage Years,” and she also writes for many websites such as The Gospel Coalition, and her own website, “Jaquelle Crowe.”

Together, along with three other wonderful writers and mentors, Brett and Jaquelle support and aide young writers in their journey as a writer - rather it’s just a hobby, or you plan to either make writing a career, or maybe it’s already a career for you and you want ongoing support.

I have a wonderful community of writers that I get to interact with - giving each other feedback, supporting each other’s writing, giving and seeking advice, listening/watching content from our awesome instructors on various topics - from writing consistently, writing non-fiction, writing fiction, how to grow as a writer, how to pursue publishing, etc.

It’s really hard for basically any writer to share their writing with others. Coming from a writer, I can tell you that whatever I write, especially if I’m extra proud, becomes my baby, so getting constructive criticism and feedback often hurts, but very helpful and always aides in my personal growth as a writer.

Why Do I Write?

Writing helps me to organize my thoughts, and think through things a little bit more thoroughly.

I love stringing beautiful words together into thoughts, sentences and paragraphs that will challenge and encourage me personally, and others as well.

I write to glorify God, and I seek to allow Him to use my writing to edify, uplift, inspire, challenge and encourage others.

God-willing, I will continue to learn and grow and write for His glory.

Thank you to every single one of you who have read any of my posts over the last year, and an extra big thank you to those of you who have left a comment. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 

I hope you have a blessed rest of your week. God Bless.

*this image is not mine, but was found on google*


  1. Congratulations, Gabrielle! I read through some of your posts, most of which I had not read before. I was edified! Continue to steward well the gift God has entrusted to you!

    1. I'm a bit late in replying, but thank you for your comment, Theron! Praise God that you were edified! That is my prayer - that whoever reads this blog would be edified, encouraged, challenged, and even inspired!


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