What Can God Trust You With?

What can God trust me with? What can God trust you with?

Not too long ago I heard someone preaching, and this question was spoken, and it has stayed with me.

I wanted to share a few thoughts real quick, to challenge someone out there. I am being challenged myself as I reflect on my answer to the question.

What Can He Trust Me With? 

When you are a kid growing up there are certain responsibilities that you may have, but then as you continue to grow older and become more mature and trustworthy, you are given more responsibilities.

There are certain responsibilities that your parents can’t give you until they know they can trust you - to make the right decision, to stand for God and for truth even when they're not around, etc.

As with God, there are certain things that He knows we’re not ready for because He knows His children.

Can God trust me? Can He trust me to travel away from home and keep walking with Him uncompromisingly? Could He trust me to faithfully lead a Bible Study? Could He trust me to be a witness and live for Him in every way - in my lifestyle, behaviors, handling finances, etc?

I Want God To Be Able To Trust Me

Even though I may not be exactly where God wants me right now, I truly want to be. I want God to be able to trust me. Trust me in much, and in little.

God's Word says in Luke 16:10b, “He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much…”

How about you? Can God trust you? What can He actually trust you with? Do you desire to get to the place where He can trust you?

I challenge you, and also myself, to get to that place and keep growing in our relationship with God, seeking to know Him intimately.

Have A Fantastic Week, And Be Blessed.

*image found on google*


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