5 Reasons Our God Is So Amazing
Our God is so very amazing. There is no way at all that we could adequately describe the greatness and majesty of our God. As a child of the King, we know our heavenly Father is amazing and so worthy, but I wanna point out five things in particular that completely amaze me about our God.
1) He Is The Creator
2) He Makes Salvation Available
3) He Loves Us Unconditionally, No Matter What
4) He Allows Us To Come Before Him, and Experience His Presence
5) He Constantly Pursues Us
1) He Is The Creator
A very common verse of the Bible is Genesis 1:1, “ In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (emphasis mine)
God created the chirping birds, the beasts of the field, plants, water, the sky, the stars, and mankind. When you take the time to take in the beauty of our world - mountains, hills, waterfalls, animals, exotic plants, etc, etc. - you can’t help but be in awe of God and His amazing creation. It’s simply breathtaking.
Creation speaks of a Creator. A Maker. Not random chance, or evolution. Looking at all the detail in creation, and just how perfectly everything works, blows me away. From the way animals are able to survive, to photosynthesis - how animals survive, and to the way God made the human body to heal itself. Just amazing.
2) He Makes Salvation Available
God sent His only Son Jesus into the world to be born, and eventually to die on the cross for the sin of the world, and to connect mankind back to God.
Through Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice, He made the way back to God available. Salvation was made available to anyone who believes. It’s so simple. God invites us, and all we have to do it respond to Him drawing us.
I read something recently that was entitled, “The Invitation,” and it reads, “You are invited to come dine with Me, from now through all eternity. Believe in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and dine with Jesus as your host. To live in Heaven eternally, all you must do is RSVP.”
Salvation is available, simply by saying yes to His invitation. We do not have to stay in sin. We do not have to stay in the filth we were born into, because salvation is free. Jesus paid it all for you and me, on the cross of calvary.
3) He Loves Us Unconditionally, No Matter What
There’s a song entitled, “Oh How He Loves Us,” and there is a part of the lyrics that says, “He is jealous for me. Loves like a hurricane, and I am a tree, bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy…”
This song speaks of God’s great love for us. People love with conditions attached, but God loves us unconditionally. Meaning no matter what we do or don’t do, His love for us will never change. Why? Because God is love, and He can’t do anything but love.
In the same way a parent loves their child yet disciplines them, God’s love chastens us because real love does what’s best for you, rather you like it or not. His love is so vast and great that we can’t even beginning to wrap our little finite minds around it. It’s amazing.
When I think about just how much God loves me, even when I don’t deserve it, it brings tears to my eyes. His love is overwhelming.
In the words of a song, “Oh how he loves you, and me.”
4) He Allows Us To Come Before Him, and Experience His Presence
God’s Word tells us that we can come, “boldly before the throne of grace.”
During the time the children of Israel lived, only certain people could come before God’s presence, but now we can go before Him and experience His presence on a daily basis. As children of God, we have access to experience His presence every single day, and He wants us to experience Him. It’s amazing that we can now go before Him, enter the holy of holies, and experience His presence. What a privilege.
5) He Constantly Pursues Us
God keeps pursuing us. He pursues us even when we’re not faithful to Him. Even when we don’t make Him a priority, or when we walk away from Him, He’s still pursuing us.
I can’t help but be in awe of God, and so grateful that He pursues me constantly. He longs to be in an intimate relationship with you, and me. We really ought to pursue Him just as passionately as He pursues us. Constantly, and consistently.
“O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy glory above the heavens. When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?” ~ Psalm 8:1, 3 & 4
Take a moment to reflect over how good, amazing, loving, and awesome our God is. A song writer writes, “ Lord you are so amazing.” Yes, He is.
Be Blessed, and Bask in His goodness.
*the image was found on google, and is not mine*
How great and amazing is our God!