While We're Waiting
Mary has been praying. She’s been seeking God. Waiting to hear some specific direction on what she should do after graduating high school - what college? Any college? What path?
Neither Mary, nor Tommy, are real people that I personally know, but we often find ourselves in seasons like them - waiting, rather it be spiritually, practically, or in any other area of life.
We all often find ourselves in seasons of waiting. Rather it may seem small or big. Rather it’s to go on that trip, buy that car, attend college, take that job, marry this person, or move to a different house. What are we supposed to do while we are waiting? Just sit around and knit? Pray once and go about our daily lives, and occasionally think about it?
When we’re waiting on God we shouldn’t be waiting passively, but actively. Waiting really doesn’t imply sitting around and doing nothing, but we should be actively waiting.
This whole topic - actively waiting - is something that speaks to me with where I’ve been in life. I’m still in that phase of waiting on some direction from God. Right now, I honestly don’t know what I’m doing with my life, and it’s just a weird season. A weird season where I have felt unproductive, useless, and frankly, just a mess. If I’m honest though, I have to say that I have not been really waiting on God. I haven’t been actively waiting.
Active waiting requires you to keep asking, keep knocking, and keep seeking, (Matthew 7:7, 8). It’s spending continual time in God’s Word and prayer. It’s being constantly sensitive to His Spirit and open. This is something I already know, but haven’t lived out.
In whatever season we are in, especially in waiting, we should be faithfully living for God, in His Word, in prayer and in His presence; living godly, and sensitive to Him always.
I am reminded of a song by John Waller entitled, While I’m Waiting. Here’s part of the lyrics:
Though it is painful.
But patiently, I will wait
I will move ahead, bold and confident
Taking every step in obedience
While I'm waiting, I will serve You
While I'm waiting, I will worship
While I'm waiting, I will not faint
I'll be running the race
Even while I wait
Waiting on God isn’t always comfortable or easy. Waiting may make you want to just sit back and do nothing, or put aside what you normally do, but you’ve got to press on, being obedient and faithful to God.
Testing if you and I will be faithful while we wait. If we will stand strong, trust Him, and stand firm no matter what, with conviction and determination, knowing who and whose we are. He wants us to move from where we are to where He wants us to be, and the necessary growth and stretching may need to happen in our time of waiting.
During the time where we may not yet have the direction to move ahead, we may have more time to spend in God’s Word, in His presence, and in ministry, and we may need that time for where God is taking us.
Remember to be continually plugged into God even in your season of waiting, and keep Him first. This is a reminder and word of encouragement to me, personally, and to you, as my brother or sister. Hang in there, and look for personal growth, even while you’re waiting.
Dear God, I pray for myself, and for others who are in a season of waiting. I pray that you will help us not to passively wait on you, but to actively wait on you and seek to grow as we wait.
I pray that our eyes will stay fixed on you. That we might find ourselves in our presence, in your Word, and in prayer on a continual basis. Lord, help us to truly trust you with our lives.
I pray that you would forgive those of us who have not been using our time of waiting wisely.
Help us Lord, we need thee, every hour.
Thank you for you grace, your love, and your constant pursuit of us as your children.
We love you Lord.
Use your time of waiting well, and stay encouraged.
God knows what He’s doing, so continue to be faithful.
Great post, hon!! I needed this <3