Am I Even Worthy?

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If I’m honest, sometimes I really don’t even feel worthy. Worthy to write, and post on my blog.

I know that I’m not where I should be spiritually, and in my relationship with God right now, so should I be posting about spiritual things? Yes, I know that the gift of encouragement, and exhortation is something God put in me, and He uses me when I write or speak, but sometimes I feel like I don’t deserve to write. Sometimes I feel like I have nothing to give, or nothing to say.

Deep down I think we know that God can use us even if we aren’t exactly where we should be, but at times believing that can be a struggle, because we know where we are and where we’re not, and many of us would rather stay silent than speak. Besides, we don’t want to give a false image, or try to portray something that isn’t true, right?

I think that’s admirable, to not want to live a lie or speak something that isn’t coming from the heart, but as we see in scripture, God is Sovereign, and He can use whatever or whomever He wants for His purposes.

David sinned more than once, yet in Act 13:22, God calls him "a man after His own heart." If it were just a mere man looking at David’s life one would assume that there is no way that God could possibly call David a man after His own heart, or even use Him. After all, not only did David commit fornication, but he also murdered a man, so surely God didn’t think highly of him, right? I mean, sure God loved David, but could He really use him? Was he worthy, or even sorry enough for his sin for God to actually use Him mightily in the earth?

I think we all know the answers to those questions. God can literally use anything or anyone. He uses other people to speak to us, films, music, and many other things. Even being in conversations with strangers, God can be speaking.

One account found in scripture that I always thought was really cool, is in the book of Numbers when a donkey speaks to Balaam. Sure, animals don’t talk in real life, but it amazes me that if He wanted to, God could open the mouth of an animal to speak and get a message through. Wow, what a God we serve.

So yes, you may feel like me - wondering if you’re worthy, or wondering if God could really use you while you’re striving to get to where exactly God wants you. The answer is yes. God can use me, and He can use you right now. He may not be able to use us to the fullest until we get to where we need to be spiritually, but even with that, we’re not permitted to get out of the game and take a break. We should always be looking to join God where He is working.

I Hope You Are Having A Great Week.

*This image does not belong to me, but was found on google*


  1. Aw, honey, I feel you!! By yourself, you are unworthy. But our Lord Jesus has washed you with his blood and called you his sister and co-heir. With him, you are worthy. He considers you worthy.

    1. AMEN! Thanks for reading and leaving a comment hon!


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