God Is Our Father
This Sunday is Father’s Day, and I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge God as Father.
It’s a blessing to have an earthly father, and especially a godly one.
I thank God for not only giving me a father, but a godly one. It’s awesome to actually have a dad apart of your life, but it’s even better when he is a man of God. A man who loves God, and understands his responsibility as a father. A man who teaches and trains his children for God, and prepares them for life. Not that he is perfect, but he seeks to be the father God wants for him to be, and takes seriously his role as a father to the children God has blessed him with.
I acknowledge that not everyone has a father in the home, and for some, they do have a father, but he just isn’t being a father to his children. I pray for those individuals, that God would be their father firstly, and also that God might send someone in their life as a father figure. To teach, train and guide them.
For those of us who have fathers in the home, and those of us who don’t, God is our Father. If we belong to Him, He is our Father. He loves us, teaches us, guides us, and He will always be there, even when an earthly father can’t.
God is a kind, loving father who corrects us, and wants to spend quality time with us. We can call on Him anytime and anywhere. He gives us children good gifts, and really does know what’s best. We can trust Him, and depend on Him, even when there’s no one else around.
So, on this Father’s Day, honor your earthly father, but also honor, and love on your Heavenly Father. He is so deservant.
He’s A Good, Good Father.
Thank you God, for being a good father. You are so worthy of my praise, and I honor you, and bless your holy and righteous name.
Enjoy the rest of your week.
*the image does not belong to me, but I found it off google*
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