Today Is 9/11: We Remember


Today marks the day terrorist attacks were aimed to destroy various landmarks in America seventeen years ago. The intended targets were The Twin Towers in New York, and the White House and Pentagon in D.C.

There were thousands of lives lost - people at work, people walking the streets, and many brave firemen and emergency personnel.

It breaks my heart to think of all the myriads of people who woke up this morning thinking that it was just going to be another day, and at the end of the day they would see their loved ones again. It reminds me that we should always love on our loved ones while we can - say I love you, give hugs, and let them know how much they mean to us.

Tomorrow isn’t promised, which means being a witness for Christ, and loving people is something we should always be doing.

I wanted to take a moment to remember all the lives that were lost, and those families who lost loved ones.

I was very young on that fateful day seventeen years ago when the attack happened, but I will never forget. I choose to never ever forget.

We will always remember. We will never forget.

*image found on google*


  1. Gabrielle, thank you for calling us to remember this day and to remember how we ought to view each day.

  2. Oh you're very welcome! And I appreciate you reading and commenting!


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