
First, I do acknowledge that I missed the entire month of November, sadly. I also haven’t even posted on my instagram. Just been so busy, and a lot going on. I certainly had every intention of publishing new content but life happened. To make up for it I will be talking about what the last two posts would have covered, Veteran’s Day, and also acknowledging Thanksgiving.


Veteran’s Day is the day that we honor and remember those men and women who have died and served their country in the past, or those who are actively serving. Those who have, and are, putting their lives on the line so that we may enjoy the freedom and liberties that we often take for granted.

The day of Veteran’s Day, Monday November 11, 2019, I was around a group of kids and we watched a video on Youtube about Veteran’s Day and we learned some history about the holiday.

In the video they talked about how on November 11th, 1918 an armistice (or agreement) was signed to end WWI. A year later, November 11th was called Armistice Day until President Dwight Eisenhower renamed the holiday in 1954, with the goal of the holiday being a day to celebrate all of the veterans from all of the wars, along with those still actively serving.

I’m one of those that have such a pride for my country. I love America, I love reading about and reflecting over God’s hand in our nation, and I think very highly of our veterans, as well as active service men and women.

I’m so grateful for those have served and who are serving this country. Those who give their lives, and have given their lives for us back at home, so that we may be free and safe. I honor them, and am grateful for their sacrifice.  

Ultimately, I am so incredibly grateful to God, the Omnipresent and Omniscient One.

During Thanksgiving, I tend to reflect over all God has done and how good He is. He is a good, good Father, and He is the One that sustains us, and knows exactly what we need.

As Christmas quickly approaches, remember to reflect and stand in awe of our Great God. Bask in the wonder of Christmas, and the awesome, world changing event that happened years and years ago - the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Thank God for Jesus.

I Pray You Are Having A Blessed Holiday Season. 


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