Take Everything With A Grain Of Salt
There are so many topic books out there a Christian can read.
Books on marriage, parenting, how to read the Bible, purity, courtship, prayer, following God, etc, etc. Some are really good reads and super helpful, yet some are not. The same is true with articles, and blog posts.
I think many people read books, or receive information or advice, and run with it.
For me, I used to think that if I was reading a book written by a Christian author, or receiving advice from a Christian, I could just take it without asking questions, because surely they’re a Christian, therefore this has to be sound information, right? Not necessarily.
I had a conversation with someone once, and while he was sharing and giving a little advice, I really appreciate that even while he was talking, he told me to take what he was telling me with a grain of salt.
There's something humble about a person who, in speaking with you, approaches the conversation in a way that would encourage you to seek God for yourself, and take what is being said with a grain of salt.
When reading books, or even when having conversations with people, discernment is necessary, as well as listening for God.
You may be talking to a Christian that you trust and have great respect for, or you may be reading a book written by a Christian author, but that does not mean that everything you hear or read is biblical or true. Does it line up with God's Word?
In my opinion, it’s fine to read books on various topics, as long as you are not replacing God’s Word.
You can never simply read a book and just take on, or act on what you read blindly. Take a moment to think about it first and discern if it is true? Is there biblical truth and soundness?
A good book is typically full of biblical principles but you never want to assume that the entirety of a book is biblically based. Sometimes there’s a lot of truth mixed in with a little error, or maybe it's watered down truth, or maybe a book is covering a biblical principle or truth based on a particular verse, but the verse is taken out of context. You must have discernment, and an open ear to hear God.
I have personally read a few books that had a little error mixed in, but because of what I have been taught and having my own relationship with God, I was able to throw out the error, take in, and even be encouraged by, the good.
At times you may read a good book, or come by some information with a bit of error, but there still may be some truth in it, and you may still be able to receive from the book, learn, and be encouraged.
Here’s an example: a writer gives you a blueprint on how to raise your kids, or how you should enter into a courtship, but what is God saying? What is God saying to you personally? It’s different if an author is giving you basic biblical principles, versus actually giving you step by step instructions. (Keep that in mind.)
An author may give you a really great blueprint for raising loving, generous, selfless, Christ- centered kids, but only the One who created your kids in the womb can have a real say in their lives.
Every courting relationship is different. What God leads you and Davey to do, might not be exactly what He led Johnny and Susie to do. Yes, for both you and Davey, and Johnny and Susie, God wants to be at the center of the relationship and He wants your focus to be on Him, and for you to stay pure and on guard against any temptations, but specific boundaries may vary based on the people in the relationship and what God may have you do - such as, side hugs, front hugs, or no hugging at all.
When it comes to conversations, I think the most important thing is looking and listening for God. He often uses people to speak to His children, as long as our ears are open to hear.
What’s my point you ask?!
All I’m saying is that having spiritual eyes to see error versus truth, and also eyes to see what you should or shouldn’t take to heart is critical.
I want to urge someone reading to never replace God’s Word for commentaries, and follow what an author writes blindly. Be on guard, and always, always measure what you hear, see or read against God’s Word.
This is something that I know, but I want to intentionally keep in mind and put into practice on a daily basis.
I pray someone was encouraged or challenged.
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. - Proverbs 4:7
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
- 1 John 4:1
*image is not mine*
As I was reading this Ecclesiastes 12:10-14 came to mind, "The words of the wise are like goads, and like nails firmly fixed are the collected sayings; they are given by one Shepherd. My son, beware of anything beyond these. Of making many books there is no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh.
ReplyDeleteThe end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil."
Thanks for the reminder to be discerning in our learning, Gabby!