What God Has Been Doing In Me
A couple weeks ago I was supposed to post, but the Saturday before, July 20th, a friend reached out to me asking if I could be a counselor at this Christian camp a few hours away - Camp David of the Ozarks. With it being super short notice I was frantic, but I managed to pack what I needed and be ready to leave and make it there the next day after Sunday morning service.
I was nervous and anxious about some things at home, like writing a new blog post and a million other little things, but I went and was determined to serve God and the kids. In the end, it was evident and so obvious that God wanted me there, and that it was so last minute that I didn’t have time to overthink and say no.
Camp David is a camp for kids who have parents currently in jail, or have been, and also there’s a week of camp for foster kids. The theme for this Summer has been Kuishi - Dying To Live.
Throughout the week we talked about dying to self and living fully alive. There were ten ways to die to live that we hit on, three of which were - Kill the Manipulator/Live Honestly. Kill the Complainer/Live Gratefully. Kill the Victim/Live Responsibly. It was excellent, and each point spoke to me personally.
There were five groups of five girls and two counselors, and this was not a time to babysit and watch from afar, this was an awesome opportunity for ministry. An opportunity to get to know the girls and their stories, to pour into them, pray with and over them, share our stories, and ultimately share Jesus and love on them. We also had tons of fun with them - from a shaving cream fight, to dancing with them and getting all dolled up for a princess dinner; archery, swimming, horses, swinging on hammocks, and much more.
God has been doing so much in my life that I can’t even put it into words. He’s been speaking so much and dealing, and molding, and pruning, and cutting, and preparing me and growing me my whole life, but there’s something a little different this year.
In January every year, at my local assembly, we take that month to pull back from everything else to fast, pray, consecrate and seek God, so what God is doing in my life has a lot to do with that time in the beginning of the year.
Going to camp was such an amazing, stretching and growing experience for me. The focus was serving the girls, and loving on them, and that might have meant giving up a sweatshirt because one of the girls was cold, or being awake a little longer than I had wanted to at night, or listening to something hard and being sensitive to what God would have me say in response.
I can’t completely explain it, but between just hearing and listening and applying what God has been speaking, on top of going to camp for a week, I kinda feel like a new person. It’s such a privilege and a blessing to die to self and serve, and share Jesus, especially with those who are hurting and have been through a lot.
I’ve noticed that I have an intensified sense of urgency - the fact that these are the last days and people are dying without hope. If not you, then me. Someone has to share the gospel. Let’s be like the apostles and let it be said that the gospel of Jesus has been spread abroad.
I am so grateful for what He is doing in my life, for the boldness and confidence that I’ve experienced in Him, and also for what He is doing in the body of Christ as a whole.
No matter what we’re seeing or hearing, or what we don’t do or see, God is still on the throne. He is Sovereign. He is the King of Kings. He is in total control, and He is on the move.
God is still saving, delivering, and rescuing, and He wants to use us, His people, to reach those who don’t know. To reach those who are hurting. To reach those who need to be snatched out of darkness.
God is just so good, and what He has been doing is mindblowing. My heart is so full.
I can say from personal experience that when you forget about yourself to serve someone else and give them Jesus, knowing that sharing Jesus is more important than anything else, there is such a joy and blessing in that.
I wanna encourage someone to always be sensitive to God’s Spirit wherever you go, and be ready to share Jesus when those opportunities come. Rest in Him, and remember that God does the drawing. He does the work, and you are the willing vessel that He sees fit to use.
I Pray That You Were Blessed Reading This, And That You Are Continually Growing In Christ.
*Note: The picture is one I took of my shirt from Camp.*
I was nervous and anxious about some things at home, like writing a new blog post and a million other little things, but I went and was determined to serve God and the kids. In the end, it was evident and so obvious that God wanted me there, and that it was so last minute that I didn’t have time to overthink and say no.
Camp David is a camp for kids who have parents currently in jail, or have been, and also there’s a week of camp for foster kids. The theme for this Summer has been Kuishi - Dying To Live.
Throughout the week we talked about dying to self and living fully alive. There were ten ways to die to live that we hit on, three of which were - Kill the Manipulator/Live Honestly. Kill the Complainer/Live Gratefully. Kill the Victim/Live Responsibly. It was excellent, and each point spoke to me personally.
There were five groups of five girls and two counselors, and this was not a time to babysit and watch from afar, this was an awesome opportunity for ministry. An opportunity to get to know the girls and their stories, to pour into them, pray with and over them, share our stories, and ultimately share Jesus and love on them. We also had tons of fun with them - from a shaving cream fight, to dancing with them and getting all dolled up for a princess dinner; archery, swimming, horses, swinging on hammocks, and much more.
God has been doing so much in my life that I can’t even put it into words. He’s been speaking so much and dealing, and molding, and pruning, and cutting, and preparing me and growing me my whole life, but there’s something a little different this year.
In January every year, at my local assembly, we take that month to pull back from everything else to fast, pray, consecrate and seek God, so what God is doing in my life has a lot to do with that time in the beginning of the year.
Going to camp was such an amazing, stretching and growing experience for me. The focus was serving the girls, and loving on them, and that might have meant giving up a sweatshirt because one of the girls was cold, or being awake a little longer than I had wanted to at night, or listening to something hard and being sensitive to what God would have me say in response.
I can’t completely explain it, but between just hearing and listening and applying what God has been speaking, on top of going to camp for a week, I kinda feel like a new person. It’s such a privilege and a blessing to die to self and serve, and share Jesus, especially with those who are hurting and have been through a lot.
I’ve noticed that I have an intensified sense of urgency - the fact that these are the last days and people are dying without hope. If not you, then me. Someone has to share the gospel. Let’s be like the apostles and let it be said that the gospel of Jesus has been spread abroad.
I am so grateful for what He is doing in my life, for the boldness and confidence that I’ve experienced in Him, and also for what He is doing in the body of Christ as a whole.
No matter what we’re seeing or hearing, or what we don’t do or see, God is still on the throne. He is Sovereign. He is the King of Kings. He is in total control, and He is on the move.
God is still saving, delivering, and rescuing, and He wants to use us, His people, to reach those who don’t know. To reach those who are hurting. To reach those who need to be snatched out of darkness.
God is just so good, and what He has been doing is mindblowing. My heart is so full.
I can say from personal experience that when you forget about yourself to serve someone else and give them Jesus, knowing that sharing Jesus is more important than anything else, there is such a joy and blessing in that.
I wanna encourage someone to always be sensitive to God’s Spirit wherever you go, and be ready to share Jesus when those opportunities come. Rest in Him, and remember that God does the drawing. He does the work, and you are the willing vessel that He sees fit to use.
I Pray That You Were Blessed Reading This, And That You Are Continually Growing In Christ.
*Note: The picture is one I took of my shirt from Camp.*
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