There's Purpose In The Waiting
I was just recently thinking about all the great quotes I’ve seen about waiting on the Lord, trusting His timing, being patient, etc. Here are a few of my favorites that I’d like to share:
“He heard you. Just be patient.”
“God is preparing you for something great. Just hold on.”
“I heard your prayer. Trust my timing.”
“Everything God is preparing you for is worth the wait.”
These are really encouraging, especially when we find ourselves in a season of waiting - rather it be for direction for where God wants us, or rather it be for a new car, a new job, or whatever it might be.
I was scrolling through Pinterest reading these quotes under my “Encouraging Words To Self” board, and it dawned on me that there was a lot of waiting that came with being the King’s kid. One reason being that He is the one directing, so we often do have to wait on God. Another reason being that God moves, prepares, and works on His children in the waiting.
Since graduating high school in 2017, I feel like I have been in a long season of waiting - waiting for direction on what’s next. It’s been really weird for me in various ways. Wanting to take steps towards this or that, but yet wanting to hear some specifics from God before forging ahead too far and wasting time or money. I know that I'm not the only person who's either currently in the same season of waiting, or have been recently.
I’ve noticed a lot of other people in the same season or phase of trying to figure out where exactly God wants them right now. Trying to figure out what job to work, what school to attend, what opportunity to take, when to move, or asking yourself what your passion is. Seeking God to give perfect direction. He is the only one who knows. Knows the future, the bigger picture, and what He has planned for you.
There’s a song by Daryl Coley that I’m reminded of entitled, “He’s Preparing Me,” and there is a part that says, “He’s preparing me, for something that I cannot handle right now.”
Begin in a season of waiting and wanting to go to whatever's next can seem hard, long, maybe even tiring. You can be frustrated with where you are - ready for a new job, someone special to love, a path mapped out were you know where you're going, and simply itching to be in a new chapter of life.
I often find myself there. Ready to be somewhere else - literally in location and in life. Ready to get past the time of learning and actually doing it. Ready for what's next. A new chapter. But I have to remind myself that God is moving and working in my waiting. He has something He desires to do in my life in this current season, and I should embrace where He has me right now. Sometimes it's hard and uncomfortable, or I get anxious and discontent, but then I remember that God has a purpose in every season.
Do you often feel this way? Anxious for a new chapter in life? Anxious to go from here to there? If so, remind yourself of this truth - God does indeed have a purpose, and He's doing something in you if you allow Him.
Allow Him to prepare, tear down, build, mature, pour into, invest, cut out, prune, and mold.
Next week, we’ll talk about being active and faithful while we’re waiting, instead of passively waiting.
Have A Blessed Week, And Be Encouraged.
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