A Fun Blog Post
Hello there everyone! Today’s post is a little more on the fun side.
A blogger friend of mine, Bethany over at Bethany J’s Journal, nominated my blog for something called the Sunshine Blogger Award. Basically it’s a fun event for the purpose of building the blogging community, and sharing others blogs you enjoy reading with your readers.
Bethany has a set of ten questions for me to answer, and I will have a set of twelve questions to ask my nominees.
Without further ado, I will answer the questions...
What is your favorite promise of God in Scripture?
It took me forever to pick a verse in scripture, but I think I would pick, Jeremiah 29:11. Not simply because it's an awesome verse and encouraging verse, or even because it's popular, but I genuinely love it because of the context. The verse by itself is so encouraging, but once read in context, it has much more depth and is even more encouraging and meaningful.
God said, "For I know the thoughts I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil to give you an expected end," but it's even more amazing to note that He spoke this to the children of Israel right before they were about to go into captivity for seventy years. He even told them to keep getting married, having babies; build houses, and plant gardens - in the midst of it, keep being fruitful.
Every time I think of that verse in context, it just blows me away. Our God is amazing!
Are you introverted or extroverted?
I am most definitely extroverted, though I have my introverted moments from time to time.
Who is someone you deeply admire?
Someone I deeply admire would be a teacher I had - Mr. Hite. My love of politics and history, plus my firm belief in all American citizens being involved in our culture and being familiar with our founding documents, are definitely accredited to him.
Coffee or tea?
Oh, tea, hands down. I’ve tried coffee and I find it rather gross. Although I will drink a french vanilla cappuccino at times.
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
When I was little I remember always wanting to be a ballerina. I never did take ballet lessons or anything but I do love dancing. When I’m at home, you will often find me dancing about, for fun and sometimes for exercise.
How long have you been blogging?
I’ve been blogging for about seven months now, and I’m loving it!
What is your favorite part about blogging? Why?
I think my favorite part about blogging is simply the feeling of writing, well I guess typing, words onto a page, especially when it's just flowing. I love those times because for me, more often than not, I have several articles that I've started and have yet to finish, but there's such an awesome feeling when I sit, start typing, and finish an entire article.
Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who?
Let’s see...I’ve met Christian music artists Karen Clark Sheard, Ryan Stevenson, and Moriah Peters, along with her little nephew. Also the guy from the Boost 101.9 radio station, (whom I’m considering to be “famous”), Neal Hopson, or “Neallytime.”
A few years ago I got to meet Todd Akin, Samantha Sorbo, and the great grandson of Winston Churchill, Jonathan Sandys. I get around! :P
What is your favorite thing to do with your family?
I love just sitting around talking with my family. We don’t even have to be doing anything - just talking and laughing makes me happy.
Who/what inspired you to start writing?
That is a rather hard question to answer honestly, because my writing initially started with me journaling exciting events in my life, then I started dabbling into fiction by attempting to write a book. Eventually I found myself writing non-fiction - my thoughts, and topics I was passionate about.
In 2013 or so I was introduced to the term blogging and the desire formed to have my very own blog. From as far back as I can remember I’ve always loved having meaningful conversations with people, and due to my relationship with God, and the way I was raised I developed strong passions and a love for various topics. I then began writing on some of those topics, and putting my thoughts on paper.
I guess my inspiration to start really writing seriously came from Brett and Alex Harris, authors of the book, Do Hard Things, and also Jaquelle Crowe, author of This Changes Everything: How The Gospel Transforms The Teen Years. I’ve gotten to interact with them through the Harris brother’s website, The Rebelution, and I get tons of writing advice and inspiration from the Young Writer’s Workshop, started by Brett and Jaquelle.
My Nominees For The Sunshine Blogger Award:
Most Excellent Timing
A Blog Of My Own
Sisters Creative
The Storybook Journal
To My Nominees,
Some of you I know personally, and a couple of you I don’t know in real life, but have interacted with online, either way I wanted to nominate you guys because I love each one of you, and I love seeing God’s glory shine through you. Keep living for Christ no matter what, and using the gift He’s given you to write.
If you choose to participate, you can simply answer my questions for you (below) in a post on your own blog. Then nominate any other bloggers you’d like and ask 10-12 fresh questions of your own.
My Questions For You:
Why did you start blogging?
What three books would you recommend for others to read?
What’s one of your favorite scriptures? Why?
Name one or two things you’re passionate about?
Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?
If money wasn’t an issue, where would you go for vacation?
What’s your favorite way to de-stress?
Name a favorite fictitious character?
What are three things you love to do?
If you could choose a person to meet, who would it be?
What’s a sport you wish you could play?
Hugs or just a good high five?
Have a fantabulous week, and thanks for reading.
*the image was found on google*
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