What's Going On With Me?

Happy Tuesday.

Today is my day to post. Last week I had planned to post about what we should be doing when we find ourselves in a season of waiting, as a follow up to “There’s Purpose In The Waiting,” posted on Tuesday March 5th.

In between my grandpa passing, trying to get rest, being out of town, working on an online course, trying to figure out business and college endeavors, and a million other little things, I’ve been writing and rewriting what I was supposed to post last week about waiting, but it’s been kinda rough. I missed last week, but I don’t want to keep missing weeks.

On the one hand, there’s been a lot going on with me personally, and also, I’ve been in a really weird spot in my writing - in a valley of sorts, or just been kinda stuck and struggling to write full pieces.

I’ve been seriously considering posting every other week to help, but I haven’t decided yet. I think one of the reasons why I’m slightly stuck with the post about waiting is because it really hits home for me.

Recently I participated in an online Writer’s Conference with Flourish Writers, and one of the speakers, Havilah Cunnington, shared something her dad said. He said this,

“It’s those of us who need to hear it the most, preach it.” 

I know this is true for me. I tend to write about topics that are near to my heart, but also topics that speak to me, even with where I am in life. As I write, it’s often as if I’m preaching to myself. I seek to encourage, and point people to Christ, and in the midst of that, God speaks to me. It’s a really cool thing, that’s for sure.

So, what am I thinking? Well, I really hate to keep taking breaks, but I also don’t want to say that I’ll post and it doesn’t happen, so what I will do is take another break, and get back to my weekly schedule starting April 9th.


I pray that you are in a place of continual growth, and that God is leading and guiding you. 

Until next time, be blessed, and “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus.”


  1. Ugh I totally understand that 'valley'. Thankfully God is with us in every low spot or rut that comes along in life! <3


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